Women’s Health
As one of the largest providers of Women’s Health services in the United States, PathGroup offers the most comprehensive anatomic, clinical, and molecular pathology services from a single point of contact. With personalized attention and the fastest turnaround times in the industry, we share our clients’ focus on high quality patient service.
Key Services
Our Obstetrics & Gynecology testing menu is built on a core offering of the latest and most accurate in:
- Cytopathology
- Image-guided ThinPrep Pap test
- HPV and Dtex reflex testing from the ThinPrep vial
- Molecular testing for STIs
- Breast Cytology
- Cervical DNA Dtex® test - Clinical Pathology
- Molecular Diagnostics
- Prenatal Cytogenetics
- Esoteric STI Testing
- HPV assays and Reflex Testing - Surgical Pathology
- Microbiology
Why PathGroup?
Our physician-centric, patient-focused approach has made PathGroup an industry leader and trusted partner for quality women’s health diagnostics.
- Board-certified Cytopathologists and experienced Cytotechnologists
- Fast turnaround times on routine tests: 24-48 hours
- Less than 1% unsatisfactory Pap Rate
- Cumulative Diagnostic Pap Reports
- Multiple results from one vial
- The latest in molecular testing capabilities to detect the most common forms of sexually transmitted diseases
- On-site subspecialty pathology teams, including Dermatopathologists, providing specialty consultation at no additional cost to the client
- Personal service with direct physician consultation as needed; direct contact upon unsuspected malignancies
- Convenient, automated MyResults™ messaging service for patients
- Clear, concise reporting including color images and mapping, with photomicrographs included in abnormal or unusual cases
- Robust Quality Assurance Program
- Industry leading turnaround times and responsive customer service
- Innovative technology solutions, including iPad, iPhone and web-based applications
- Full range of additional anatomic, clinical and molecular laboratory services for comprehensive service from a single source